Let me know if there is a time you would like that doesn't show in the booking system -
appointment options can change each day and there may be
an appointment available and the online booking system doesn't show it
Schedule shows dates about 2 weeks in the future
If there are no openings showing - contact Nancy
*The Online Booking System Does Not Show Sale Prices
Use the Online Booking System:
contact me for an appointment by:
Text (the fastest way): 612-401-3999
or by phone (next fastest way): 612-401-3999
or Email (slowest): Nancy@RoseLightHealing.com
You will receive a confirmation email of your appointment with:
the conference call phone number and code for phone appointments
the address for in-office appointments
Office Location:
4380 Brookside Court
SW Minneapolis
Hwy 100 & Excelsior Blvd exit
Payments made at the time of service with:
Checks (personal or business checks payable to Rose Light Healing)
or Credit Card
Phone Sessions are billed by invoice via email after the service