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Downloadable Audios

These audios are to be listened to while either 

sitting still or lying down and able to stay awake - NOT ever while driving or operating machinery of any type including kitchen appliances.

Purchase these MP3 audios in the Cart tab and you will have an immediate link to download them

to your computer or other listening device to listen to at your convenience. 

Note: These are not journaling, coaching or counseling sessions-

they are deep energy healing at your Soul level using Theta Healing and Spiritual Acceleration.  


This is deep energy healing that removes negative beliefs, programs, patterns and old paradigms back to its origin through all levels of your Soul, body and mind.  The clearing occurs on all levels whether it's this lifetime, past lifetimes, inherited through ancestors by birth or adopted family, or

acquired through collective consciousness. 

T/SA removes everything back to its origin- anything whether conscious or unconscious: your negative beliefs, programs, decisions, fears, resentments, grudges, rejections, regrets and the trauma, contracts, vows, pain, suffering, curses, karma, shame, blame and guilt attached to any of them.  We retrieve the wisdom and the lessons.  Along with many other things we also do retrieval of Soul fragments and removal of energy that is not yours.

I work with your conscious, unconscious, Higher Self and Super Consciousness during the session to release the problems or blockages.  


Nancy Hyvarinen is a Spiritual Acceleration Advanced Practitioner with 25 years of alternative healing and 20 years western medicine experience.  She draws on her vast experience as a Reiki Master, Medical Intuitive, Quantum Healing Advanced Practitioner and Theta Healing Advanced Practitioner for each session.


Healing Your Birth 

60 minutes, $49

A deep releasing for issues that are likely affecting you in your relationships and life situations.

This also helps with Immune System support with the umbilical cord technique.


*negative issues around your conception, womb time, birthing and after birth time- you may not consciously know the circumstances around these, yet your Higher Self or your Soul does - includes releasing negative experiences of your ancestors inherited through DNA or your past lifetime experiences; 

*negative experiences of conception such as: arguing, anger, resentments, alcohol/addictions, violence/rape;

*traumas/struggles of the sperm getting to or being accepted by the egg;

*separation trauma from Creator or your Source;

*negative programming of your parents that you took on while in the womb;

*your mothers experiences of low energy, tiredness and exhaustion that you absorbed:

*the traumas of your mothers morning sickness and other negative reactions to your pregnancy;

*traumas of initially being unwanted, thoughts of ending the pregnancy;

*past life traumas of being a miscarriage, aborted, failed abortion or stillborn, SIDS;

*effects of illnesses during your womb time and medications taken;

*other traumas like: falls and auto accidents, being punched or kicked;

*trauma of having the vibration of the wrong gender being pushed onto you;

*traumas of your Soul being out of your body during birthing that can cause a pattern of disassociation and difficulty being in and grounding in your body;

*traumas of the birthing experience (contractions, claustrophobia, getting stuck, forceps, cesarean surgery, breech and others);

*traumas of the after birth experience (butt slaps, lack of connection to parents, not being held, incubator, father not present, eye trauma from bright lights that could be the cause of headaches, noise trauma, disappointment of being the ‘wrong’ gender, Rh factor problems); 

*traumas of umbilical cord clamped/cut to soon - receive vital nutrients for your Immune System & Body that you missed getting at the time of your birth;

*experiences and fears of abandonment, separation anxieties, confusions of ‘yes’ and ‘no’, vaccination traumas;

*receive the Baby in the Womb healing- and  more.


Healing Love Relationships

68 minutes - $49


For women and men, singles, partners and married couples, that will include: 


*Disconnecting the energy connections between you and old partners from the past through all lifetimes (these could be interfering with your relationships); 

*Deleting old contracts and vows to partners from past lifetimes that could be preventing you from finding a partner in this lifetime;

*Soul retrieval of your energy pieces from past partners and a releasing of their energy from you (you exchange Soul pieces in love relationships);

*Healing past relationship traumas like lost loves, broken hearts, arguing/fighting, verbal/physical abuse, date rape;

*Releasing hurt/pain from being told you’re not the one; distrust from affairs;

*Releasing negative beliefs/old programming from partner relationships;

*Releasing negativity from current love relationships;

Release the past to allow a new beginning


Holy Vine Ceremony

for finding or deepening your path

45 minutes, $39


This is an activation process for aligning more fully into your purpose and path using Mother Mary and Christ energy.  This for your own self realization, your purpose or your mission.  This breaks down any current density and allows

you to receive a new pathway or open more fully to one that your Soul has already initiated.  You will birth another level of your sacred nature to bring you to where you need to be at this time evolving more fully into the

5th dimensional energies of oneness consciousness and connection.  

This activation process was given by the Pleiadians (Spirit Beings of Light)


For this ceremony, you are either sitting in a chair or lying down.  I am doing hand positions and movements while toning sacred words from the Pleiadians.  This process creates a new pathway and portal at your

crown chakra for the Mother Mary and Christ energies to come through to you. 

You may choose to journal after the ceremony- it is not required. 


Message from the Pleiadians:

Beloved Ones We greet You,


You have answered the call.  We witness you as you step forward at this time to realign to the sacred realm of the Self.  These initiations are designed to align you to your reconnection of Self.  Your planet has evolved with new energies which enables you to enter a new higher reunion with your Self.


Through the transformed energies of self-resurrection and receivership you will be empowered to fully open to the Blessings that are being bestowed to you.  Through this evolution you will meet a destiny point of reconnection to your unique frequency of your own family of Origin.


Mother Mary and the Christ energy play a unique and profound role within you.  These initiations hold a sacred platform for your transformation.


Blessings, The Pleiadians


Releasing Flu & Cold Viruses & Bacteria

38 minutes, $29

An Audio for:

Releasing Flu & Cold Viruses & Bacterias along with a long list of the fears, patterns, traumas and negative beliefs associated with them- and so much more.  This is done for your own experiences and history and also for anything that you are carrying of your ancestors through your family lineages.  This is for the usual seasonal flu & cold experiences along with the epidemic, pandemic, plague and biological warfare history that you and your family are connected to- you don’t need to know your family history of any of this for it to work as your Soul and energy imprint hold that information.   

*It is recommended to also listen to the Immune & Lymphatic System Balance Audio as there are additional traumas, fears, patterns and negative belief systems that are specific to those two systems that will be helpful to protect against and heal from flu and colds.  *The Healing Your Birth Audio has an umbilical cord technique that is beneficial for Immune System Balance.


Immune & Lymphatic System Balance

42 minutes, $39

This Audio includes: 

**Releasing an extensive list of the traumas, negative beliefs, fears and blockages that prevent proper blood flow, nerve connection and communication, optimal function and balance of the Immune & Lymphatic System that are from you or inherited from ancestors through your family lineages.  

**Reconnecting the energy of previously removed tissue.  All tissue is connected to the energy field of the body and when any tissue gets removed (in this or past lives), the energy field can get disrupted and negatively affect the body - this is for your body and the tissue removal traumas you are holding of ancestors.

**Positive energy to all of the system tissues for balance;

**and more.

The Immune & Lymphatic System includes the Red Bone Marrow, Thymus, Spleen, Lymph Nodes/Nodules/Ducts/Channels/Fluid, Tonsils, Peyer’s Patches (in the Small Intestine), Appendix, and the accessory organs of the Lungs, Skin and Liver.  


Check back for more audios that will be added-

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